Saturday 22 April 2017

                   Our mascot Rufus making his rounds at the clubhouse.

Monday 17 April 2017

April Club Meeting

Hello All!

The April 2017 club meeting will be held this Tuesday (April 18th) at the EMO building on Pleasant St. The start time will be 7 PM.

We encourage all members and those interested to attend.

73 de VE1XT

Sunday 16 April 2017

Cape Forchu Lighthouse Activation - Weekend of May 13th

Preparations for the Cape Forchu Lighthouse activation are well under way.

We will be activating the Lighthouse on the weekend of May 13th. Our station will be set up in the Wentzel House which is the bungalow next to the big chair. We will be operating under the call sign VE1YAR.

So far we have a few people who are going to be operating. Myself (VE1XT), Dave (VE1GM), Bernie (VE9BGC), and George (VY2GF).

If you are interested in operating feel free to let me know or just pop in and take a turn. We also encourage the general public to drop in and see what it's all about. We can answer any questions you have about the hobby and how to get involved.

If you have any questions you can contact me at ve1xt [at] ve1yar [dot] com

You can also follow us on Facebook to get additional info!

73 de VE1XT

Monday 3 April 2017

Jim Harris - VE1RB  Celebrating his 70th at the Yarmouth Clubhouse one day early on April 1st.