Sunday 15 May 2016

S.M.A.R.T - Symposium of Maritime Amateur Radio Techs

The Symposium held in Amherst on April 30th turned out to be a great success. Bernie, Sheldon, and I (Dennis) ventured up there for a day trip. We left Yarmouth about 3 AM and made it up there just in time.

I've heard from a couple of the organizers, that they are already planning to put the event on again next year. It's looking like it might be a two day event.

VE1JBL (Jim) has posted a picture and some more information on The Maritime Amateur Website (scroll down the page a bit).


May Monthly Meeting

Hello All!

The regular monthly meeting is Tuesday May 17th. 

As usual it will be held at the EMO building, behind the fire hall, on Pleasant St at 7 pm.

We only have one meeting left, after this one, before the summer break!

All members are encouraged to attend and visitors interested in amateur radio are also welcome!

73 de VE1XT